Why are/were you in DC? Did you tour the FBI building? No, the real question is: do they let you tour the FBI building? Because I have no doubt in my mind that if they do you did!
I am a scientist, geek, pyrotechnician, new yoga addict, LOST nerd, and flaming liberal amongst other things. My new year's resolution is to strive for zen in every aspect of my life, especially my closet. I think Facebook is stupid and am only on Twitter, think Google should take over the world and that Keith Olbermann is the sexiest man in the world next to Stephen Colbert. Oh, and George Clooney. Smart is sexy.
The dog, the cat and I live in Salt Lake City in a cute house by a dog park.
Why are/were you in DC? Did you tour the FBI building? No, the real question is: do they let you tour the FBI building? Because I have no doubt in my mind that if they do you did!